Leadership Team
Innovators Beyond Limits is led by a team of dedicated high-school students committed to serving their communities and bridging the gap in educational inequality. We aim to make STEAM education more accessible, and create a new generation who will use STEAM to change the world!

Jaylyn Chong
“Growing up, I’d been fortunate enough to be surrounded by STEAM and science-related opportunities, and I fondly remember my excitement whenever attending science classes or performing creative experiments. This interest has continued to grow with me even through high school, where I’m lucky enough to have access to several STEAM-related activities and clubs. However, I understand that not every child has the access to fully discover the STEAM field and explore their STEAM interests, which has inspired me to continue on YSO Virginia’s mission and carry on their goal in the Bay Area. I hope that through YSO, we can provide opportunities for students and inspire the next generation of scientists!”

Aarna Nair
Vice President
“When I was in first grade my parents moved me from a popular, competitive private school to a local public elementary. I can still remember the first day of classes; we learned the letter S and drew a skunk. A couple weeks later my parents moved me back to the competitive private school; where I continued my book report on “Little House on the Prairie”. But that first day has always stayed with me; how is it that two kids in the same 15 mile radius can be at such vastly different places in their learning journey? This is part of the problem YSO aims to solve, and ultimately why I am so proud to open a Bay Area branch of this life-changing organization! It is my biggest wish that the YSO Bay Area branch can help supplement curriculums of under-privilaged students throughout the Bay and maybe even inspire some to follow a career in STEAM!”